Grogery Shopping Service

One of our most popular services!
Imagine arriving to your destination, after a long day of driving, to find that your favorite foods and drinks are waiting for you to enjoy. Add one of our arrival meals to your order and you’ll have a wonder hot meal with very little effort.
The process is easy. Let us know you are interested and we will set you up in our shopping account. You choose the items you desire, we’ll let you know the estimated cost ( prices may vary when purchased ) and we will purchase and properly place in the home prior to your arrival.
For this service, we charge the following:

  • 15% of the total store charge
  • $35 stocking fee
  • $20 for each additional store, if requested

* This service requires a minimum of 72 hours of prep time prior to arrival. Orders requested within 72 hours of arrival will be charged an additional $35 fee if available.

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